My friend Courtney has written a book on “the elusive white moral life” that will change any white person who reads it with an open mind and heart. At 82, I’m way past the “Where should my kids go to school?” stage. But the way she dealt with that question has me making changes in other parts of my life of white privilege. As has been true since her mid-twenties, Courtney speaks truths that apply to every generation. And of course, she thinks the world of you and your work, Garrett. I hope to meet you some day right here in WI!

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So well put, Parker! Hope we can meet sometime soon as well- I'm over in Madison a fair bit.

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Please let me know next time you’re coming this way, Garrett. I’d love to meet and talk!

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I, personally, could have listened to you nerd out on this book for even longer. I second this recommendation!

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I agree with Sarah, reading you nerding out about this book was just as fun as I imagine it's going to be reading it!

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Nia, I'm very excited to nerd out more when you have a chance to read it!

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White Pages Book Club, right?!

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Dreamy. If you'll have me as a guest in the club, I'm there with bells on.

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Ooh... this could be fun... let me think through this one

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“I’ll be there with bells on” is one of my favorite catch phrases so clearly this must happen!

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