My mom grew up in Sweden, where they celebrate on Christmas Eve. (Their Christmas trees had real candles, which always amazes me! You had to keep a bucket of water nearby.) Every Christmas Eve, after the julbord (festive Xmas dinner), it was time to hand out presents. My grandfather would excuse himself, and a few minutes later, the jultomte (Santa Claus) would knock on the door, carrying a sack full of gifts. He'd pass them out, and then disappear again to continue his route. Shortly after that, my grandfather would reappear again. My mom always thought it was such a shame that her father had just missed the tomte's appearance!

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I love the Swedish tomte visit (my children have somehow accepted that in Sweden Santa does something different than he does in the States). Sue, you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve perfected streaming SVT1 live in Milwaukee so we watch Kalle Anka at 8:00 AM Central Time every year

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I can't get up that early, but I am incredibly excited to watch the Björnzone special tomorrow! God Jul!

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Yes. Yes, yes, yes, a MILLION times yes. The magic is the reason for the season. :)

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