Thanks for this Garrett, I'm looking forward to part 2. I'm reading Will Campbell's Brother to a Dragonfly right now and so much of his awareness/discovery of what motivates racist whites in the 60s deep south resonates with what you're saying...and underscores the need for the Barnraisers approach to caring for and listening to and trying harder to understand the desires, views, motivations, and real needs of those we're tempted to write off as misinformed or misguided. (Also, for we who identify as Christian, there's the inconvenient fact that Jesus told us to get close enough to all God's children to love them and care for them!) As always, grateful for your work and your writing!

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100% to all this, Amy (and thanks for the kind word), but especially 100% to any Rev. Will recommendation. Holy cow, Brother To A Dragonfly is so incredible, isn't it?

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SO INCREDIBLE! It is blowing my mind. My new mantra is "We are all bastards and God loves us anyway." I find myself saying it a lot!

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